You can use Tagalog or any dialect or language here, but as much as possible, use English.
You can use the text language (just layk dis), but make sure everyone could understand it!
You can use unlimited chars in posting so that you will not have any limit of characters in posting.
This forum is offering Anime and Non-Anime graphics and layouts!
You may build a fans club here about Anime. (This is not an organization, this is only a chat room about the particular anime, by the fans of that anime).
You can break some rules by posting in Free Board.
Everyone is welcome here. There is a General Category here for everyone to relate!
Gaming Central is here to play some games!
You can advertise your forum here, or be our affiliate with less efforts!
You can make friends here by making a thread in Members and Introductions category!
Hope these features will help us gain more members.
from: AnimeAdmin
Awards for Members
(the awards are reset and back to zero. I'll post the new awardees soon).
Featured Quote
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got, so the logic is, when you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done. Ü"